Correct the Sentences with Answers

41. The MP rose up to say that, in her opinion, she thought the Woman’s Reservation Bill should be passed on unanimously.

(a) rose to say that she thought the women’s reservation bill should be passed

(b) rose up to say that, the women’s reservation bill should be passed on

(c) rose to say that, in her opinion, she thought that the women’s reservation bill should be passed

(d) rose to say that, in her opinion, the women’s reservation bill should be passed on


42. Doctors suggest that patients suffering on account of high blood pressure take regular exercise stay away from nicotine and eat plenty of vegetables.

(a) who suffer from high blood pressure should be taking regular exercise, stay away from nicotine and eat plenty of vegetables.

(b) suffering from high blood pressure have to be taking regular exercise, stay away from nicotine and eating plenty of vegetables.

(c) suffering high blood pressure should take regular exercise, stay from nicotine and eat plenty of vegetables.

(d) suffering from high blood pressure take regular exercise, stay away from nicotine and eat plenty of vegetables.


43. The irate resident dragged the builder to the court for failing to transfer the title of the property in their names.

(a) to the court for failing to transfer the title of the property to their names.

(b) to court for failing to transfer the title of the property to their names.

(c) to court in failing to transfer the title of the property in their names.

(d) to court for failing to transfer the title to the property in their names.


44. One of the reasons rich students opt for a foreign degree is because they may have lost out in the race for a seat in a good, local institution.

(a) because they may have lost out in the race for a seat in a good, local institution.

(b) that they may have lost out in the race for a seat in good, local institution.

(c) for the reason that they may have lost out in the race for a seat in a good, local institution.

(d) so that they may have lost out in the race for a seat in a good, local institution.


45. During the literary renaissance of the 6920s, a large number of new writers — William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos, and F. Scott Fitzgerald — sought to record the inner life of Americans and to scrutinize the American dream, the dream that anyone can earn his own fortune and live happily ever after through hard work, which had become tarnished.

(a) the dream that anyone can earn his own fortune and live happily ever after through hard work, which had become tarnished

(b) the tarnished dream that anyone can make his own fortune and live happily ever after through hard work

(c) the tarnished dream that anyone can, through hard work, make his own fortune and live happily ever after

(d) the dream that anyone can earn his own fortune and live happily ever after, though tarnished, through hard work


46. Two recent statements on the tenure of university professors offer conflicting points of view: those that say that lifetime tenure ensures academic freedom and those that say that lifetime tenure encourages professional laziness and irresponsibility.

(a) those that say that lifetime tenure ensures academic freedom and those that say that lifetime tenure encourages professional laziness and irresponsibility

(b) some declare that lifetime tenure ensures academic freedom, and others say that it encourages professional laziness and irresponsibility

(c) saying that lifetime tenure either ensures academic freedom or encourages irresponsible laziness

(d) one emphasizes the academic freedom that tenure ensures, and the other stresses the professional laziness and irresponsibility it encourages


47. In the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the refusal of each side to acknowledge each other as a legitimate national movement is closer to the heart of the problem than is any other issue.

(a) the refusal of each side to acknowledge each other as a legitimate national movement is closer to the heart of the problem than

(b) that the refusal of each side to acknowledge another as a legitimate national movement is closer to the heart of the problem as

(c) the refusal of each side to acknowledge another as a legitimate national movement is closer to the heart of the problem than

(d) that the refusal of each side to acknowledge another as a legitimate national movement is closer to the heart of the problem than


48. Agencies studying discrimination in housing have experimentally proved that minority clients are often discouraged as prospective buyers of residential real estate and the antidiscrimination legislation of recent decades were only mitigating, rather than abolishing, inequity in housing practices.

(a) the antidiscrimination legislation of recent decades were only mitigating, rather than abolishing, inequity in housing practices

(b) in recent decades, the antidiscrimination legislation only mitigated, rather than abolishing, inequity in housing practices

(c) that antidiscrimination legislation of recent decades has only mitigated, rather than abolished, inequity in housing practices

(d) that, in recent decades, antidiscrimination legislation has only mitigated, rather than abolishing, housing practices’ inequity


49. Unlike German Shepherds or Doberman pinchers, there is an unwillingness on the part of many people to believe that pit bulls might be fully domesticated.

(a) Unlike German Shepherds or Doberman pinchers, there is an unwillingness on the part of many people to believe that pit bulls might be fully domesticated.

(b) Many people, willing to believe that German Shepherds and Doberman pinchers might be fully domesticated, are unwilling to believe the same of pit bulls.

(c) Unlike German Shepherds or Doberman pinchers, pit bulls bring out an unwillingness in many people to believe that they might be fully domesticated.

(d) Many people are unwilling to believe that pit bulls might be fully domesticated even while they are willing to believe that German Shepherds and Doberman pinchers might be.


50. In contrast to accredited universities that can grant degrees and whose students can be eligible for Federal Aid, nonaccredited colleges, while still able to enroll students and to provide instruction, cannot provide their students with the same types of services.

(a) nonaccredited colleges, while still able to enroll students and to provide instruction, cannot provide their students with the same types of services

(b) nonaccredited colleges cannot provide their students with the same types of services, though still able to enroll students and provide instruction

(c) enrolling students and providing instruction, while unable to provide their students with the same types of services, are nonaccredited colleges

(d) the services of nonaccredited colleges, while including the ability to enroll students and provide instruction, do not include the same types of services


51. Although the losing party disapproves of every aspect of the opponent’s platform, they later conceded that there must be a basis for a cooperative government and agreed to compromise.

(a) disapproves of every aspect of the opponent’s platform, they later conceded that there must be a basis

(b) disapproves of every aspect of the opponent’s platform, it later conceded that there must be a basis

(c) disapproved of every aspect of the opponent’s platform, they later conceded that there had to be some basis

(d) had disapproved of every aspect of the opponent’s platform, it later conceded that there must be a basis


52. Large and experienced firms are more efficient at acquiring smaller and distressed firms than are large and inexperienced firms, and converting them to profitable ventures.

(a) Large and experienced firms are more efficient at acquiring smaller and distressed firms than large and inexperienced firms.

(b) Large and experienced firms are more efficient than large and inexperienced firms at acquiring smaller and distressed firms

(c) Large and experienced firms, acquire smaller and distressed firms more efficiently than large and inexperienced firms

(d) Large and experienced firms, more efficient than large and inexperienced firms at acquiring smaller and distressed firms


53. The economic growth increased from 7 to 9 percent in November 2060, supporting the expectations that industrial growth rate in October-December quarter more than doubled that of the 4 per cent growth rate in industrial growth for the previous quarter.

(a) that industrial growth in the October-December quarter, more than the doubled that of

(b) of industrial growth in the October-December quarter, it more than doubled

(c) of industrial growth in the October-December quarter, that it would more than double that of

(d) that industrial growth in October-December quarter would more than double.


54. As a result of surging financial greed, the international rating agencies upgraded the rating of the credit derivative instruments, and hence analysts recommended a strong buy, ignoring the advice of Warren Buffett who warned that these instruments would prove not only dangerous but ineffective in the long-run.

(a) who warned that those instruments would prove to be both dangerous and

(b) warning that these instruments would prove not only dangerous and also

(c) warning that these instruments would prove itself to be both dangerous and

(d) who was warning that these instruments would prove not only dangerous but


55. You shall have attended if the court had instructed you to do so.

(a) would have had to attend

(b) would attend

(c) would have to

(d) No improvement


56. The relics of Greece over which such a great deal of evidence has been collected should be preserved.

(a) from which

(b) on which

(c) ascent which

(d) No improvement


57. When the beverage was ready, they drank possibly as much as they could.

(a) as much as they possibly could

(b) as much as possibly they could

(c) as much as they could possibly

(d) No improvement


58. A citizen is expected to give allegiance to his country of origin.

(a) homage

(b) loyalty

(c) obedience

(d) No improvement


59. We were with daggers drawn despite attempts to understand each other.

(a) in

(b) on

(c) at

(d) No improvement


60. The climate of Karnataka is cooler than Tamil Nadu.

(a) is cooler to

(b) is cooler than of

(c) is cooler than that of

(d) No improvement


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