Correct the Sentences with Answers

21. Scientists have long recognized the promise of research involving human embryos and foetuses for the advancement of basic science as well as for the development of life saving vaccines and therapies.

(a) the promise of research involving human embryos and foetuses for the advancement of

(b) the promise of research involving human embryos and foetuses to advance

(c) the promising research which involves human embryos and foetuses for the advancing of

(d) the promising research, which involves human embryos and foetuses in advancing


22. By finding, dating, and interpreting the trash and treasures of ancient generations, our curiosity about our past as a species is satisfied in archaeology, and shows us how we have become what we are.

(a) generations, our curiosity about our past as a species is satisfied in archaeology, and shows

(b) generations satisfy, in archaeology, our curiosity about our past as a species and show

(c) generations, our past as a species satisfies our curiosity in archaeology and shows

(d) generations, archaeology satisfies our curiosity about our past as a species and shows


23. Full of speculation that the United States was in a ‘housing bubble’ that was about to burst, the popular press ran feature stories depicting the irrational run-up in home prices and a potential crash which was very likely.

(a) stories depicting the irrational run-up in home prices and a potential crash which was very likely.

(b) stories about the irrational run-up in home prices and that there would be a potential crash.

(c) Stories that describe about the irrational run-up in home prices and about the potential for a crash.

(d) stories about the irrational run-up in home prices and about the potential for crash.


24. Seeing that there was an ongoing sale in one of her favourite stores, Seeta made a bee line for it immediately after entering the mall.

(a) made a bee’s line for

(b) make bees lined to

(c) made a bee line to

(d) No correction required


25. Sharon made it to work in the nicks of times, or else she would have missed the meeting.

(a) nick of time

(b) nicked time

(c) nick of timeliness

(d) nick and time


26. Varun was on cloud nine after having stood first in his class.

(a) in ninth cloud

(b) on nine clouds

(c) a cloudy nine

(d) cloud on nine


27. Vithal had a habit of pass the buck when it came to important issues at work.

(a) pass to bucking

(b) passing buck

(c) passing the buck

(d) pass buck


28. Puneet raked his brains and tried to find an answer to a tricky question given in the paper but couldn’t find one.

(a) rake his brain

(b) racked his brains

(c) racked brains

(d) raked brain


29. US secretary of state made it clear that time running out for diplomacy over Iran’s nuclear programme and said that talks aimed at preventing Tehran from acquiring a nuclear weapon would resume in April.

(a) runs out

(b) was running out

(c) ran out

(d) run


30. While the war of the generals rage on, somewhere in small town India, wonderful things are happening, quietly and minus fanfare.

(a) rage

(b) raging

(c) rages on

(d) raged on


31. According to WWF, the small island nation of Samoa was the first in switch off its lights for Earth Hour.

(a) first to switch of

(b) the first to switch off

(c) the first of switch off

(d) first in switch of


32. The campaign is significant because not just the youths are directly appealing to the world but because their efforts challenge the chimera of normalcy in the area.

(a) not just because

(b) just not because

(c) not just

(d) because just


33. The doctor’s association has threatened to go on indefinite strike support of their teachers.

(a) on supporting to

(b) to supporting

(c) for support

(d) in support of


34. If one prays honestly and sincerely, God will listen to one’s prayer.

(a) If one pray

(b) One if prays

(c) If one will praying

(d) No correction required


35. Not only I but also my parents are looking forward to see you soon.

(a) am looking forward to seeing

(a) are looking to see forward

(c) are looking forward seeing

(d) are looking forward to seeing


36. They are waiting for her since morning.

(a) are waiting

(b) are awaiting to

(c) have been a waiting

(d) have been waiting for


37. If he had asked me, I would have helped him.

(a) If he ask

(b) had he asked

(c) He had asked

(d) No correction required


38. I am sure that scientists must discover a cure for AIDS by the end of next decade.

(a) will have discovered

(b) might discovered

(c) have discovered

(d) must discover


39. It is important that whatever else happens, these two factors should not be messed around with

(a) It is important that

(b) It is a fact that

(c) It should be urgently understood that

(d) It should be understood that


40. The appetite of banks for funds was lost under the onslaught of the slowdown, corporates refused to borrow- even as bank deposits flourished.

(a) bank deposits flourished

(b) bank deposits swelled

(c) bank deposits were enhanced

(d) bank deposits flummoxed


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