Correct the Sentences with Answers

Correct the Sentences with Answers

DIRECTIONS : Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required’, mark (e) as the answer.

1. The government has given subsidies to the Navratnas but there is no telling whether the subsequent one will do.

(a) whether the subsequent government will do so.

(b) if the government to follow will accept the policy

(c) if the government to follow will adhere to the policy

(d) no telling whether the subsequent one will do so


2. Rahul Bajaj has done a great job of taking the company to its present status, but it is time that he let go of the reins.

(a) let go of the reins

(b) stepped down

(c) let go off the reins

(d) delegated responsibility


3. With the pick-up in the standard of education, expensive private schools have started blooming up in every corner of the country.

(a) started blooming in every corner of the country

(b) have started mushrooming all over the country

(c) have mushroomed all over the country

(d) have blossomed all over the country


4. It is important that whatever else happens, these two factors should not be messed around with.

(a) It is important that

(b) It is a fact that

(c) It should be urgently understood that

(d) It should be understood that


5. It must be note that under no circumstance should the company go in for diversification.

(a) It must be noticed that

(b) It must be noted that

(c) It must be pointed out that

(d) It should be noticed that


6. British Airspace has been focusing on building European links.

(a) concentrating on creating European links.

(b) pursuing ways of building European connectivity.

(c) stressing on building European links.

(d) focusing on forging European links.


7. The appetite of banks for funds was lost under the onslaught of the slowdown, corporate refused to borrow-even as bank deposit flourished.

(a) bank deposits flourished

(b) bank deposits swelled

(c) bank deposits were enhanced

(d) bank deposits flummoxed


8. He did many mischiefs.

(a) made many a mischiefs

(b) made much mischief

(c) Committed many mischiefs

(d) No correction required


9. The main point of his speech was well understood.

(a) that he spoke

(b) in the speech of his

(c) made when he spoke

(d) No correction required


10. The indecisive man was readily persuaded to change his mind again.

(a) was persuaded ready

(b) was ready to persuade

(c) was ready persuaded

(d) No improvement


11. The teacher asked the intruder who was he and why was he occupying his chair.

(a) who he was and why he was

(b) who he was and why was he

(c) who he had been and why he had been

(d) No correction required


12. The custom of many centuries ago origin is slowly disappearing.

(a) which was originated ago many centuries

(b) originating for many centuries

(c) which orginated many centuries ago

(d) with many centuries of origin


13. He stayed back so that it can look as if he was unaware of the entire incident.

(a) may look

(b) would look

(c) will look

(d) No correction required


14. The local library has recommended that the books put up for the used book sale should be in good condition and should have no writing in them or be underlined.

(a) and should have no writing in them or be underlined

(b) and should not have writing in them or not be underlined

(c) and contain no writing or underlining

(d) without containing writing or underlining


15. The news of her employment soon circulated around the small town.

(a) circulated round the small town

(b) circulated in the small town

(c) was circulating across the small town

(d) was circulating within the small town


16. It is the craziness for speeding that is maddening that is responsible for many motor accidents.

(a) the craziness for speeding that is mad

(b) the mad craze for speed

(c) the mad craze for speeding

(d) the craze for speeding that is maddening


17. If they cooperate together by dividing up the work, they shall be over with the work faster.

(a) if they cooperate together by dividing the work

(b) if they cooperate by dividing up the work

(c) if they cooperate by dividing the work

(d) if they cooperate together by division of work


18. Knowing the area was prone to earthquakes, all the buildings were reinforced with additional steel and concrete.

(a) Having known that the area was prone to earthquakes

(b) Since they knew the area was prone to earthquakes

(c) Since the area was known to be prone to earthquakes

(d) Being prone earthquakes


19. He sailed for New York on Monday, arriving there on Saturday for the much-awaited inauguration of the new hospital.

(a) and arrived there on Saturday for the much-awaited inauguration of the new hospital.

(b) arriving there on Saturday for the inauguration of the much-awaited new hospital.

(c) arriving there for the inauguration of the much awaited new hospital on Saturday.

(d) and arrived here on Saturday for the long awaited inauguration of the new hospital.


20. After trying to convince him for a long time, I realized that he was one of those people who never listens to reason.

(a) he was one of those people who never listen to reason.

(b) he was one of those people who never .listen to reasoning

(c) he is one of those people who never listen to reason.

(d) he is one of those people who never listens to reason.


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