English Grammar

Clause Analysis

“A group of words that forms part of a sentence, and has a Subject and a Predicate of its own, is called a Clause.” (Wren) Clauses are of Three kinds : Principal Clause: Principal Clause is the main clause of the whole sentence. Subordinate Clause: “A Subordinate Clause is a component part of some other […]

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Types of Clauses

A clause like a major sentence, is a meaningful group of words containing a subject and predicate. However, unlike sentences, not all clauses can stand alone and make sense. Types of Clauses Main clause: A clause that can stand alone and make sense is known as a main clause. Every major sentence must have at

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Conjunctions in English Grammar

Conjunctions join two words or sentences. They have no other function except joining. Some Relative Adjectives, Relative Adverbs and Prepositions also do the function of joining, but they are not called conjunctions because besides joining they perform the functions of Adjectives, Adverbs and Prepositions also. Conjunctions only join and perform no other function. The following

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Kinds of Adjectives

Kinds of Adjectives There are ten kinds of Adjectives: 1. Proper Adjectives The Adjectives formed from Proper Nouns are called Proper Adjectives. As: Indian coast, French wine, American culture, English language, Shakespearean plays. 2. Descriptive or Qualitative Adjectives The Adjectives which describe the merits or demerits, shape and size, colour and form, good qualities or

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