Connectors in English Grammar

Sentence Connectors are a great way of improving your English. Why? Because we use them to express relationships between ideas and to combine sentences. When we begin learning a language, we speak in very basic sentences, a bit like children. Example:

  • It was raining. I took an umbrella.

As we learn more words and more complex sentence structures, we are able to start using sentence connectors to make more sophisticated sentences. Example:

  • It was raining so I took an umbrella.
  • I took an umbrella because it was raining.
  • It was raining. I didn’t take an umbrella
  • Although it was raining, I didn’t take an umbrella.
  • Even though it was raining, I didn’t take an umbrella.
  • In spite of it raining, I didn’t take an umbrella.
  • In spite of the fact it was raining, I didn’t take an umbrella.

Below you will see a list of the most common connectors. Remember to start using them, it will greatly increase your conversation skills and you will feel more confident when talking to a native speaker.

Connectors in English Grammar

Furthermore, Moreover, Additionally, In addition

They are used to adding information.

  • My friend is intelligent and hardworking. Furthermore, he is a good sportsman.
  • The English language school offers discounted English language courses. Furthermore, there’s a library where you can study and borrow books.
  • The English language school offers discounted English language courses. Moreover, there’s a library where you can study and borrow books.
  • The English language school offers discounted courses in English. Additionally, there’s a library where you can study and borrow books.
  • The English language school offers discounted English language courses. In addition, there’s a library where you can study and borrow books.

Provided that

Provided means if or only if.

  • You can use my car provided that you are careful not to crash it.

As though, as if

  • She looks after her dog as though it were a baby.
  • She looks after her dog as if it were a baby.

Yet, Nevertheless, However, In contrast

They show contrast or joins opposition.

  • I’ve told my son time and time again not to leave the kitchen in such a mess yet he still keeps doing it.
  • It was raining. Yet we went out for a movie.
  • I was so tired after working all day. Nevertheless, I still went out with my friends as usual.
  • My new flat is really nice. However, it is very expensive.
  • House prices have gone up this year. In contrast, car prices have gone down


Unless means except on the condition that.

  • I shall come back tomorrow unless there is a bus strike.


Although is used to show two opposite statements.

  • Although I had seen Henna twice I wanted to see it the third time.

On the other hand: Italy is such a beautiful country and the people are very nice. On the other hand, the tax system is so complicated.

On the contrary: I don’t hate living in the city. On the contrary, I am happy to be in the midst of the confusion.

Instead: I don’t think I will have any pasta tonight. I’ll have some rice instead.

Whereas: John is such a calm person, whereas his brother is so aggressive.

As a result: I’ve been working a lot lately. As a result, I’ve been able to buy that new car I’ve always wanted.

As a consequence: She didn’t study at all this year. As a consequence, she’s failed all her exams

Therefore: There’s going to be a terrible storm tonight, therefore it is best to stay at home and keep all your windows closed.

So that: I didn’t go out this week so that I could study.

As well as: As well as French, I can speak Russian

Not only … but … also: Not only can I speak French, but I can also speak Russian

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