Filled, Purged, Self-purged, Heat-traced Impulse Lines
Filled Impulse Lines
An alternate method for isolating a pressure-sensing instrument from direct contact with process fluid is to fill the impulse lines with a harmless fluid, which in turn directly contacts the process fluid.
Filling impulse tubes with a static fluid works when gravity is able to keep the fill fluid in place, such as in this example of a pressure transmitter connected to a water pipe by a glycerin-filled impulse line:

A reason someone might do this is for freeze protection, since glycerin freezes at a lower temperature than water. If the impulse line were filled with process water, it might freeze solid in cold weather conditions (the water in the pipe cannot freeze so long as it is forced to flow).
The greater density of glycerin keeps it placed in the impulse line, below the process water line. A fill valve is provided near the transmitter so a technician may re-fill the impulse line with glycerin (using a hand pump) if ever needed.
As with a remote diaphragm, a filled impulse line will generate its own pressure proportional to the height difference between the point of process connection and the pressure-sensing element.
If the height difference is substantial, the pressure offset resulting from this difference in elevation will require compensation by means of an intentional “zero shift” of the pressure instrument when it is calibrated.
With no isolating diaphragm to separate process fluid from the fill fluid, it is critical that the fill fluid be compatible with the process fluid.
(Truth be told, this is a requirement for all pressure transmitter fill fluids even when isolating diaphragms are in place to prevent mixing of process and fill fluids, because no diaphragm is 100% guaranteed to seal forever.
This means every pressure transmitter must be chosen for the application in mind, since modern DP transmitters all use fill fluid in their internal sensors, whether or not the impulse lines are also filled with a non-reactive fluid.)
Not only does this imply a total lack of chemical reactivity between the two fluids, but it also means the two fluids should not be readily miscible (capable of mixing in any proportion).
An important consideration in filled-line systems is how to refill the impulse line(s) without damaging the pressure instrument. Hand-operated pumps are commonly used to refill impulse lines, but such pumps are often capable of generating greater fluid pressures than the instrument can safely withstand.
If we were to connect a glycerin pump to the filled system pictured previously, it would be advisable to shut the transmitter’s block valve to ensure we did not accidently over-pressure the transmitter. This is especially true if the impulse line happens to become plugged with debris, and substantial glycerin pressure from the hand pump is required to dislodge the blockage:

In fact, the issue of impulse tube plugging is another reason to consider filled-line connections between pressure instruments and process lines or vessels. If ever a plug develops in the line, repumping the lines with fresh fill fluid is a practical way to clear the plug without disassembling any part of the system.
For processes where impulse line plugging is a chronic problem, another solution exists called purging impulse lines, discussed next.
Purged Impulse Lines
Another method for isolating a pressure instrument from direct contact with process fluid, particularly when the impulse line is prone to plugging, is purging the line with a continuous flow of clean fluid.
Consider this example, where pressure is measured at the bottom of a sedimentation vessel:

In this system, a continuous flow of clean water enters through a pressure-dropping “purge valve” and flows through the impulse line, keeping it clear of sediment while still allowing the pressure instrument to sense pressure at the bottom of the vessel.
A check valve guards against reverse flow through the purge line, in case process fluid pressure ever exceeds purge supply pressure. The continuous water purge maintains clean impulse tubing, and ensures the pressure transmitter never contacts process fluid directly.
A very important element of any purge system is a restriction between the purge supply and the connection with the process and pressure-sensing device. It is important that the pressure-sensing instrument senses the pressure of the process fluid and not the (higher) pressure of the purge fluid supply.
In the example shown, the purge valve fulfills the role of this restriction, which is why it must be left in a partially-open condition, rather than fully-open.
If this purge restriction is not restrictive enough, the purge fluid flow rate will be too great, resulting in a dynamic pressure drop developed across the length of the impulse line.
This pressure drop will add to the pressure of the process fluid inside the vessel, creating a positive pressure measurement error at the instrument (i.e. the instrument will register more pressure than there actually is in the vessel). The purge restriction should be set to allow just enough purge fluid flow to guard against plugging, and no more.
Purged systems are very useful, but a few requirements are necessary in order to ensure accurate and reliable operation:
- The purge fluid supply must be reliable: if the flow stops for any reason, the impulse line may plug!
- The purge fluid supply pressure must exceed the process pressure at all times, or else process fluid will flow backward into the impulse line!
- The purge fluid flow must be maintained at a low rate, to avoid pressure measurement errors.
- The purge fluid should be introduced into the impulse line as close to the process connection as possible, to minimize errors due to the purge flow rate through long lengths of tubing.
- The purge fluid must not adversely react with the process.
- The purge fluid must not contaminate the process.
- The purge fluid must be reasonable in cost, since it will be continuously consumed over time.
A useful accessory to include in any purge system is a visual flow indicator such as a rotameter. Such an indicator is useful for manual adjustment of purge flow rate, and also as a troubleshooting aid, to indicate if anything happens to halt the purge flow.
In the previous example, the purge fluid was clean water. Many options exist for purge fluids other than water, though. Gases such as air, nitrogen, or carbon dioxide are often used in purged systems, for both gas and liquid process applications.
An illustration of a gas-purged pressure measurement system is shown here:

An alternative to the pressure regulator, rotameter, and purge valve is a self-contained unit called a purge flow regulator which automatically adjusts to maintain a constant flow rate of purge gas into the purged impulse line:

It should be noted that liquid-purged impulse lines – just like filled lines and diaphragm-isolated lines – will generate hydrostatic pressure with vertical height. This is not a problem with gas-purged lines.
Heat-traced Impulse Lines
If impulse lines are filled with liquid, there may exist a possibility for that liquid to freeze in coldweather conditions. This possibility depends, of course, on the type of liquid filling the impulse lines and how cold the weather gets in that geographic location.
One safeguard against impulse line freezing is to trace the impulse lines with some form of active heating medium, steam and electrical being the most common.
“Steam tracing” consists of a copper tube carrying low-pressure steam, bundled alongside one or more impulse tubes, enclosed in a thermally insulating jacket.

Steam flows through the shut-off valve, through the tube in the insulated bundle, transferring heat to the impulse tube as it flows past. Cooled steam condenses into water and collects in the steam trap device located at the lowest elevation on the steam trace line.
When the water level builds up to a certain level inside the trap, a float-operated valve opens to vent the water. This allows more steam to flow into the tracing tube, keeping the impulse line continually heated.
The steam trap naturally acts as a sort of thermostat as well, even though it only senses condensed water level and not temperature. The rate at which steam condenses into water depends on how cold the impulse tube is.
The colder the impulse tube (caused by colder ambient conditions), the more heat energy drawn from the steam, and consequently the faster condensation rate of steam into water. This means water will accumulate faster in the steam trap, which means it will “blow down” more often.
More frequent blow-down events means a greater flow rate of steam into the tracing tube, which adds more heat to the tubing bundle and raises its temperature.
Thus, the system is naturally regulating, with its own negative feedback loop to maintain bundle temperature at a relatively stable point .
(In fact, after you become accustomed to the regular “popping” and “hissing” sounds of steam traps blowing down, you can interpret the blow-down frequency as a crude ambient temperature thermometer!
Steam traps seldom blow down during warm weather, but their “popping” is much more regular (one every minute or less) when ambient temperatures drop well below the freezing point of water.)
The following photograph shows a picture of a steam trap:

Steam traps are not infallible, being susceptible to freezing (in very cold weather) and sticking open (wasting steam by venting it directly to atmosphere).
However, they are generally reliable devices, capable of adding tremendous amounts of heat to impulse tubing for protection against freezing.
Electrically traced impulse lines are an alternative solution for cold-weather problems. The “tracing” used is a twin-wire cable (sometimes called heat tape) that acts as a resistive heater. When power is applied, the cable heats up, thus imparting thermal energy to the impulse tubing it is bundled with.
This next photograph shows the end of a section of electrical heat tape, rated at 33 watts per meter (10 watts per foot) at 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit):

This particular heat tape also has a maximum current rating of 20 amps (at 120 volts). Since heat tape is really just a continuous parallel circuit, longer lengths of it draw greater current. This maximum total current rating therefore places a limit on the usable length of the tape. Heat tape may be self-regulating, or controlled with an external thermostat.
Self-regulating heat tape exhibits an electrical resistance that varies with temperature, automatically self-regulating its own temperature without the need for external controls.
Both steam and electrical heat tracing are used to protect instruments themselves from cold weather freezing, not just the impulse lines. In these applications it is important to remember that only the liquid-filled portions of the instrument require freeze protection, not the electronic portions!
Self-purged Impulse Lines
One of the advantages of purging a pressure instrument impulse line with gas rather than with liquid is the elimination of measurement error due to the pressure generated by a vertical column of liquid.
We investigated an example of this phenomenon in the “Remote and Chemical Seals” subsection where a liquid-filled vertical run of capillary tube 12 feet high created an additional hydrostatic pressure of 4.86 PSI sensed by the pressure gauge.
This hydrostatic pressure caused the gauge to read falsely high, so that instead of registering 0 to 50 PSI as the process vessel pressure ranges from 0 to 50 PSI, the gauge instead reads 4.86 PSI extra at all points: reading 4.86 to 54.86 PSI as the process vessel pressure goes from 0 to 50 PSI:

This measurement error may be compensated by shifting the “zero” calibration of the pressure gauge by 4.86 PSI, forcing it to register 4.86 PSI less than the pressure it senses at its input port. Only by custom-calibrating the pressure gauge in this manner can we solve the problem created by that 4.86 PSI hydrostatic pressure (Pelevation).
We also learned in the “Filled Impulse Lines” subsection that this hydrostatic effect is not limited to remote-seal capillary systems but is endemic to any significant vertical length of tube filled with any liquid.
A gas-purged impulse line, by contrast, generates negligible pressure due to elevation differences simply because the density of most gases is negligibly small.
An interesting variation on the theme of gas-purging for instrument impulse lines is the use of an external heat source on those impulse lines to cause the process liquid to boil and vaporize within the lines. This technique, of course, only works for process liquids that are easily vaporized with modest applications of heat, but in many processes this is practical.
Examples of process liquids amenable to this treatment are propane, butane, and any cryogenic liquid. (“Cryogenic” simply refers to a condition of extremely low temperature required to condense a gas into liquid. Such liquids will flash into vapor if raised to room temperature, and so it is quite easy to make impulse lines self-purging in such cases.)
If we use heat-traced impulse lines, the thermal energy added to the lines maintains their interiors in a gaseous state rather than a liquid state, eliminating any vertical liquid columns inside the lines and therefore eliminating any pressure measurement error resulting from elevation between the pressure instrument and the process connection point.
Self-purging works best in installations where the pressure-sensing instrument is mounted above the process liquid level, and where the presence of liquid inside the vertical run of impulse line extending down from the pressure instrument to the vessel would otherwise create a negative pressure offset.
Shown here is an example of an installation where a vertical impulse line creates a negative pressure measurement error:

Heating this impulse line causes any liquid inside of it to vaporize, forcing remaining liquid to flow out the bottom of the line and back into the process vessel, “self-purging” the line with vapor and thereby ensuring the pressure instrument senses actual process vessel pressure:

The ideal impulse line heat-trace temperature is greater than the critical temperature of the process fluid, so that no amount of process pressure can make it liquefy. This will ensure a liquidfree state inside the heated impulse lines even if process pressure happens to increase.
If any other liquids exist inside the vessel that will not vaporize at the same temperature, it becomes necessary to install a liquid trap at the bottom of the impulse line where this other liquid can accumulate without filling up the impulse line. Periodically draining this trap of accumulated liquid then becomes a regular maintenance task.
Self-purging does not work as well in installations where the process vessel is located above of the pressure-sensing instrument because liquid will continuously find its way into impulse line by gravity, where the sudden expansion from liquid into vapor will create pressure surges inside of the line.
This will cause the pressure instrument to register intermittent “surges” of pressure, which is a worse problem than having an hydrostatic offset. (At least in the case of a liquid-filled impulse line generating its own hydrostatic pressure, that pressure is constant and may be compensated by “zero-shifting” the range of the pressure instrument. An impulse line that generates random surges of pressure cannot be compensated at all!)