Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi

Past Perfect Continuous Tense का प्रयोग ऐसे कार्य हेतु किया जाता है जो at the time of speaking से पूर्व भूतकाल से लगातार जारी थे। Read the following sentences:

  • राम दो घण्टे से टी०वी० देख रहा था।
  • राम दो बजे से टी०वी० देख रहा था।
  • जैकब वर्ष 1997 से इस कॉटेज में रह रहा था ।
  • वर्षा सुबह से हो रही थी ।
  • निशा प्रातः 11 बजे से मेरा इन्तजार कर रही थी ।

Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi

इस तरह के वाक्यों का अंग्रेजी अनुवाद करने हेतु निम्न Sentence Structure प्रयुक्त होता है :

Subject + had been + V+ing + since/for +……

  • राम दो घण्टे से टी०वी० देख रहा था।
  • Ram had been watching T.V. for two hours.
  • राम दो बजे से टी०वी० देख रहा था।
  • Ram had been watching T.V. since 2 O’ clock.
  • जैकब वर्ष 1997 से इस कॉटेज में रह रहा था ।
  • Jackab had been living in this cottage since 1997.
  • वर्षा सुबह से हो रही थी ।
  • It had been raining since morning.
  • निशा प्रातः 11 बजे से मेरा इन्तजार कर रही थी ।
  • Nisha had been waiting for me since 11 O’clock in the morning.

Negative and Interrogative Sentences

Negative: Subject + had +not+ been + V+ing + Object.

Interrogative:  Had + Subject + been + V+ing + Object?

  • He had been waiting for her since morning. (Affirmative)
  • He had not been waiting for her since morning. (Negative)
  • Had he been waiting for her since morning?
  • She had been writing letters for two hours. (Affirmative)
  • She had not been writing letters for two hours. (Negative)
  • Had she been writing letters for two hours? (Interrogative)
  • Ram had been playing since 2 O’clock. (Affirmative)
  • Ram had not been playing since 2 O’clock. (Negative)
  • Had Ram been playing since 2 O’clock? (Interrogative)
  • I had been trying to contact her for two hours. (Affirmative)
  • I had not been trying to contact her for two hours. (Negative)
  • Had I been trying to contact her for two hours? (Interrogative)
  • Sita had been crying since morning. (Affirmative)
  • Sita had not been crying since morning. (Negative)
  • Had Sita been crying since morning? (Interrogative)

Use of Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi

(1) Past Perfect Continuous का प्रयोग ऐसे action हेतु किया जाता है जो Past में किसी समय बिन्दु (Point of time या अवधि (Period of time) से लगातार जारी थे। जैसे :

  • He had been working since dawn.
  • I had been flying kites since morning
  • She had been waiting for him for two hours.
  • We had been playing cricket for three hours.

(2) Past Perfect के repeated action को भी Past Perfect Continuous में व्यक्त किया जा सकता है। जैसे:

  • He had tried five times to contact her.
  • He had been trying to contact her.
  • He had tried many times to get the job there.
  • He had been trying to get the job there.

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