Sentence Correction Exercise

Sentence Correction Exercise

DIRECTIONS : In the following sentences, four options are given. You are required to identify the best way of writing the sentence in the context of the correct usage of standard written English. While doing so, you have to ensure that the message being conveyed remains the same in all the cases.

  1. If he was to decide to go to college, one would recommend that he plan to go to × 42, Ahmedabad.

(a) If he was to decide to go to college, one would 6 recommend that he plan to go to: × 42, Ahmedabad.

(b) If he were to decide to go to college, opej would recommend that he plan to go to × 42, Ahmedabad.

(c) Had he decided to go to college, one would recommend that plan to go to × 42, Ahmedabad.

(d) In the event that he decides to go to college one would recommend that plan to go to × 42, Ahmedabad.

  1. Except for you and I, everyone brought a present for the little birthday girl.

(a) Except for him and I, everyone brought a present for the little birthday girl

(b) With the exception of you and I, everyone brought a present for the little birthday girl.

(c) Except for you and I, everyone had brought a present for the little birthday girl.

(d) Except for you and me, everyone brought present for the little birthday girl.


  1. When one reads the Hindi literature of the twentieth century, you find a striking contrast between the writings of Munshi Premchand and later day writers of popular Hindi fiction.

(a) When one reads the Hindi literature of the twentieth century, you find a striking contrast between the writings of Munshi Premchand and later day writers of popular Hindi fiction.

(b) When you read the Hindi literature of the twentieth century, one finds a striking contrast between the writings of Munshi Premchand and later day writers of popular Hindi fiction.

(c) When one reads the Hindi literature of the twentieth century, he finds a striking contrast between the writings of Munshi Premchand and later day writers of popular Hindi fiction.

(d) If one reads the Hindi literature of the twentieth century, you find a striking contrast between the writings of Munshi Premchand and later day writers of popular Hindi fiction.


  1. Because of his tennis elbow injury, Pete Sampras has not and possibly never will be able to pick up the bat again.

(a) Because of his tennis elbow injury, Pete Sampras has not and possibly never will be able to pick up the bat again.

(b) Because of his tennis elbow injury, Pete Sampras has not and possibly will never be able to pick up the bat again.

(c) Because of his tennis elbow injury, Pete Sampras has not been and possible never would be able to pick up the bat again.

(d) Because of his tennis elbow injury, Pete Sampras has not been able to and possibly never will be able to pick up the bat again.


  1. Had he realised how close he was to failing, he would not have gone to the party.

(a) Had he realised how close he was to failing, he would not have gone to the party.

(b) If he would have realised how close he was to failing, he would not have gone to the party.

(c) Had he had realised how close he was to failing, he would not have gone to the party.

(d) When he realized how close he was to failing, he did not go to the party.


  1. The Indian cricket team’s winning it’s first game of the 2007 World Cup excited the fans of the team.

(a) The Indian cricket team’s winning it’s first game of the 2007 World Cup excited the fans of the team.

(b) The Indian cricket team having won its first game of the 2007 World Cup, excited the fans of the team.

(c) The Indian cricket team’s having won its first game of the 2007 World Cup excited the fans of the team.

(d) The Indian cricket team’s winning its first game of the 2007 World Cup excited the fans of the team.


  1. Poor product quality angers Mr. Rajnish who wonders if it is part of a strategy by marketers.

(a) Poor product quality angers Mr Rajnish, who wonders if it is part of a strategy by marketers.

(b) Poor product quality angers Mr. Rajnish, who wonders if marketers are part of the strategy.

(c) Poor product quality angers Mr. Rajnish, wonders if it is part of a strategy by marketers

(d) Poor product quality angers Mr. Rajnish, who wonders if they are part of a strategy by marketers.


  1. Having bowed our heads, the priest in the temple led us in prayer.

(a) Having bowed our heads, the priest in the temple led us in prayer.

(b) After we bowed our heads, the priest in the temple led us in prayer.

(c) After we had bowed our heads, the priest in the temple led us in prayer.

(d) After having bowed our head, the priest in the temple led us in prayer.


  1. Being a realist, the detective could not accept the statement of the accused that UFOs had caused the disturbance,

(a) Being a realist, the detective could not accept the statement of the accused that UFOs had caused the disturbance.

(b) Since he was a realist, the detective could not accept the statement of the accused that UFOs had caused the disturbance.

(c) Being that he was a realist, the detective could not accept the statement of the accused that UFOs had caused the disturbance.

(d) Realist that he was, the detective could not accept the statement of the accused that UFOs had caused the disturbance.


  1. The shopkeeper hadn’t hardly any of those kind of goods.

(a) The shopkeeper hadn’t hardly any of those kind of goods.

(b) The shopkeeper hadn’t hardly any of those kinds of goods.

(c) The shopkeeper had hardly any of those kind of goods.

(d) The shopkeeper had hardly any of those kinds of goods.


  1. If we cooperate together by dividing up the booty, we shall be able to work together smoothly in the future.

(a) If we cooperate together by dividing up the booty, we shall be able to work together smoothly in the future.

(b) If we cooperate by dividing up the booty, we shall be able to work together smoothly in the future.

(c) If we cooperate by dividing up the booty together, we shall be able to work together smoothly in the future.

(d) If we cooperate with each other by dividing the booty, we shall be able to work together smoothly in the future.


  1. The process by which the community influences the actions of its members is known as social control.

(a) The process by which the community influences the actions of its members is known social control.

(b) The process by which the community influence the actions of its members is known as social control.

(c) The process by which the community goes about influencing the actions of its members is known as social control.

(d) The process by which the community influences the actions of its members is known as social control.


  1. Sherry, a little girl with little talent for cooking, enjoys preparing Fried Rice.

(a) Sherry, a little girl with little talent for cooking, enjoys preparing Fried Rice.

(b) Sherry, is a little girl who has little talent for cooking but she enjoys preparing Fried Rice.

(c) Sherry, a little girl who has little cooking talent, enjoys preparing Fried Rice.

(d) Sherry, a girl with little talent for cooking, enjoys preparing Fried Rice.


  1. Of all the persons I have ever met, Arjit is the most remarkable person.

(a) Of all the persons I have ever met, Arjit is the most remarkable person.

(b) Arjit is the most remarkable person of all the persons I have ever met.

(c) Of all the persons I have ever met, Arjit is the most remarkable person.

(d) Of all the persons I have ever met, Arjit is the most remarkable.


  1. Using it wisely, leisure promotes health, long life, efficiency, and happiness.

(a) Using it wisely, leisure promotes health, long life, efficiency, and happiness.

(b) If used wisely, leisure promotes health, long life, efficiency, and happiness.

(c) Having used it wisely, leisure promotes health, long life, efficiency, and happiness.

(d) If it is used wisely, leisure promotes health, long life, efficiency, and happiness.

  1. The trend toward a decrease in the working hours is already evident in the longer weekend given to employees in many multinational organisations.

(a) The trend toward a decrease in the working hours is all ready evident in the longer weekend given to employees in many multinational organisations.

(b) The trend toward a decrease in the working hours is already evident in the longer weekend given to employees in many multinational organisations.

(c) The trend toward decrease in the working hours is already evident in the longer weekend given to employees in many multinational organisation.

(d) The trend toward a decrease in the working hours is all in already evident in the longer weekend given to employees in many multinational organisations.


  1. They watched. They wondered. They were unable to find the reason.

(a) They watched and wondered till they were unable to find the reason.

(b) They watched and wondered but were unable to find the reason.

(c) They had watched and wondered but were unable to find the reason.

(d) They watched and wondered despite being unable to find the reason.


  1. He is sure to receive his pay. It is due to him. Why then does he worry?

(a) Why does he worry, till he is sure to receive his pay due to him?

(b) Why should he worry as the pay due to him is sure to be received?

(c) Why does he worry as he should be sure to receive the pay due to him?

(d) None of the above sentences is correct.

  1. Should you need a duplicate licence you must submit an application along with a copy of your ration card

(a) Unless you submit an application along with a copy of your ration card you will not get a duplicate licence.

(b) You should require a duplicate license if you submit an application along with a copy of your ration card.

(c) If you submit your application along with your ration card you do not need duplicate license.

(d) If you submit an application along with your ration card you will get only a license.


  1. The Manager would like you to help him locate the default.

(a) If you help him locate the default, the Manager would like you.

(b) The Manager desires that you should provide him the necessary assistance to locate the default.

(c) The Manager feels that if you do not help him the fault will not be located.

(d) The Manager expects that the default should be located only with your help.

(e) None of these


  1. Ritesh noticed the cat’s soft hair, sharp paws, and keen sense of hearing.

(a) Ritesh noticed the cat’s soft hair, sharp paws, and keen sense of hearing.

(b) Ritesh noticed the cat’s soft hair, sharp paws, and that his sense of hearing was keen.

(c) Ritesh noticed the cat’s soft hair, that he had sharp paws, and a very keen sense of hearing.

(d) Ritesh noticed the cat’s soft hair, keen sense of hearing and also that it had sharp paws.


  1. The principal seldom ever wants to try and face the facts.

(a) The principal seldom ever wants to try and face the facts.

(b) The principal seldom if ever wants to try and face the facts.

(c) The principal seldom ever wants to try to face the facts.

(d) The principal seldom wants to the to face the facts.


  1. Anyone interested in flying planes can learn much if you have access to a flight simulation machine.

(a) Anyone interested in flying planes can learn much if you have access to a flight simulation machine.

(b) Anyone interested in flying planes can learn much if he has access to a flight simulation machine.

(c) Anyone interested in flying planes can learn much if access is available to a flight simulation machine.

(d) Anyone interested in flying planes can learn much from access to a flight simulation machine.


  1. The reason I came late to office today is because my car broke down.

(a) The reason I came late to office today is because my car broke down.

(b) Why I came late to office today is because my car broke down.

(c) The reason I was late to office today is because my car broke down.

(d) The reason I came late to office today is that my car broke down.


  1. The entire cast and crew of the film, enjoyed splashing in the pool, bathing in the ocean, and, particularly, to sun bathe on the shore.

(a) The entire cast and crew of the film, enjoyed splashing in the pool, bathing in the ocean, and, particularly, to sun bathe on the shore.

(b) The entire cast and crew of the film, enjoyed splashing in the pool, to have a bath in the ocean, and, particularly to sun bathe on the shore.

(c) The entire cast and crew of the film, enjoyed swimming in the pool to bathe in the ocean, and, particularly sun bathing on the shore.

(d) The entire cast and crew of the film, enjoyed swimming in the pool, bathing in the ocean, and, particularly, sun bathing on the shore.


  1. Crossing the street, a bus almost crushed us to death.

(a) Crossing the street, a bus almost crushed us to death.

(b) A bus almost crushed us, crossing the street.

(c) As we crossed the street, a bus almost crushed us.

(d) A bus, crossing the street, almost crushed us.


  1. The moral of the entire story is how money doesn’t make you happy.

(a) The moral of the entire story is how money doesn’t make you happy.

(b) The moral of the entire story is that money doesn’t make you happy.

(c) In this novel, its moral of the story is how money doesn’t make you happy.

(d) That money does not make you happy, is the entire moral of the story.


  1. When one travels by Air Sitara you often find that the prices are high and that the journey experience is extremely poor.

(a) When one travels by Air Sitara you often find that the prices are high and that the journey experience is extremely poor.

(b) When you travel by Air Sitara one often finds that the prices are high and that the journey experience is extremely poor.

(c) As you travel by Air Sitara you often find that the prices are high and that the journey experience is extremely poor.

(d) If you travel by Air Sitara you often find that the prices are high and that the journey experience is extremely poor.


  1. Depending on skillful suggestion, argument is seldom used in advertising.

(a) Depending on skillful suggestion, argument is seldom used in advertising.

(b) Argument is seldom used by advertisers, who depend on skillful suggestion instead.

(c) Skillfull suggestion is depended on by advertisers instead of argumentation.

(d) Suggestion, which is skillful, is used in place of argumentation by advertisers. (e) Suggesting skillfully is what advertisers do apart from argumentation.


  1. The twelve-hour work day not only has been reduced to one of ten hours but also, in some lines of work, to below eight hours.

(a) The twelve-hour work day not only has been reduced to one of ten hours but also, in some lines of work, to below eight hours.

(b) Not only has the twelve-hour work day been reduced to one of ten hours but also, in some lines of work, to below eight hours.

(c) The twelve-hour work day has not only been reduced to one of ten hours but also, in some lines of work, to below eight hours.

(d) The twelve-hour work day has been reduced not only to one of ten hours but also, in some lines of work, to below eight hours.


  1. If some Indians look at where they are going, it can be seen that our goal is money.

(a) If some Indians look at where they are going, it can be seen that our goal is money.

(b) If some Indians look back to where they are going, it can be seen that our goal is money.

(c) If some Indians look at where they are going, it can be seen that their goal is money.

(d) If some Indians look at where they are going, they can see that their goal is money.


  1. Unless they reverse present policies immediately, the world may suffer irreversible damage from the unregulated use of Bio weapons.

(a) Unless they reverse present policies immediately, the world may suffer irreversible damage from the unregulated use of Bio weapons.

(b) Unless present policies are reversed immediately, the world may suffer irreversible damage from the unregulated use of Bio weapons.

(c) Unless present policies are reversed, the world may suffer irreversible damage by the unregulated use of Bio weapons.

(d) Unless present policies are reversed, the world may suffer irreversible damage through the unregulated use of Bio weapons.


  1. If she were to win the Olympic medal, I for one would be surprised.

(a) If she were to win the Olympic medal, I for one would be surprised.

(b) If she were to go on to win the Olympic medal, I for one would be surprised.
(c) If she becomes the winner of the Olympic medal, I for one would be surprised.
(d) In the event that she would win the Olympic medal, I for one would be surprised.


  1. The soldiers were told to take a long arduous hike, pitch their camps, have dinner, and that they should be in bed by 60 p.m.

(a) The soldiers were told to take a long arduous hike, pitch their camps, have dinner, and that they should be in bed by 60 p.m.

(b) The soldiers were told to take an arduous hike, pitch their camps, have dinner, and that they should be in bed by 60 p.m.

(c) The soldiers were told to take a long arduous hike, pitch camp, have dinner, and be in bed by 60 p.m.

(d) The soldiers were told to take a long arduous hike, pitching their camps, have dinner, and be in bed by 60 p.m.


  1. Not only was he efficient but also welcoming in nature.

(a) He not only was competent but also friendly in nature.

(b) Not only was he competent but also friendly in nature.

(c) He not only was competent but friendly too in nature.

(d) He was not only competent but also friendly in nature.


  1. With the exception of Dipanjan and I, everyone in the class finished the assignment before the teacher came.

(a) With the exception of Dipanjan and I, everyone in the class finished the assignment before the teacher came.

(b) With the exception of Dipanjan and me, everyone in the class finished the assignment before the teacher came.

(c) With the exception of Dipanjan and me, everyone in the class had finished the assignment before the teacher came.

(d) With the exception of Dipanjan and I, everyone in the class had finished the assignment type the bell rang.


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