Sentence Correction Exercises

Sentence Correction Exercises

61. She gave most of her time to music

(a) devoted

(b) spend

(c) lent

(d) No improvement


62. When I was fourteen, I sat the entrance examination for senior secondary school.

(a) sat for

(b) sat in

(c) sat at

(d) No improvement


63. He has been working off and on for several years to compile a dictionary.

(a) on or off

(b) on and off

(c) regularly

(d) No correction required


64. Rajni unnecessarily picked up a quarrel with Kashish and left the party hurriedly.

(a) picking up

(b) picked on

(c) picked

(d) has picked up


65. She did not like the movie, nor I did.

(a) nor did I

(b) nor I like it

(c) nor I liked it

(d) No improvement


66. It will take two hours to walk across the forest.

(a) over

(b) between

(c) away

(d) through


67. The unemployment rate has dropped sharply this month, though it may only be temporary.

(a) but it may be only temporary

(b) but the drop may only be temporary

(c) even though the drop may only be temporary

(d) but such a drop may only be a temporary one


68. In accordance to your instructions, we have remitted the amount in the bank.

(a) by

(b) with

(c) for

(d) No improvement


69. Although he was the most friendly of all present and different from the others, he hadn’t hardly any friends except me.

(a) different from the others, he hardly had any friends except I

(b) different than the others, he hardly had any friends except me

(c) different than the others, he hardly had any friends except I

(d) different from the others, he hardly had any friends except me


70. Since we are living in Bombay for five years, we are reluctant to move to another city.

(a) Being that we living

(b) Since we were living

(c) Since we have been living

(d) Being that we have been living


71. As a child, my parents took me to Jammu to visit my grandmother.

(a) When I was a child, my parents took me to Jammu to visit my grandmother

(b) My parents took me, as a child, to Jammu to visit my grandmother

(c) My parents took me to Jammu to visit my grandmother as a child.

(d) A child, my parents took me to Jammu to visit my grandmother


72. Anyone interested in the use of computer can learn much if you have access to a state-of-the-art microcomputer.

(a) if he has access to

(b) if access is available to

(c) by access to

(d) from access to


73. Start the motor, and then you should remove the blocks.

(a) Start the motor, then removing the blocks

(b) Starting the motor, the blocks should then be removed

(c) Start the motor and then remove the blocks

(d) Starting the motor remove the blocks


74. Eaten in Portugal only, the Indians viewed the potato with suspicion for they assumed it had poisonous properties since only the white skinned people consumed it.

(a) Indians viewed the potato with suspicion for they

(b) Indians were suspicious of the potato and they

(c) potato was viewed with suspicion by Indians who

(d) potato was suspicious to Indians, and it was


75. Though he was more faster than his opponent on the field, his chances of winning the race was low as he lacked the killer instinct.

(a) Though he was more faster than his opponent on the field

(b) As he was more faster than his opponent on the field

(c) Though he was more fast from his opponent on the field

(d) Though he was faster than his opponent on the field


76. Ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from they who maintain that it was an unauthorised act.

(a) Ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from they who maintain that it had been an unathorised act.

(b) ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from they who maintain that it was an unauthorised act.

(c) Ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from they who maintain that it was an unauthorised act.

(d) Ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from those maintaining that it was an unauthorised act.


77. Anita liked to watch television, of which she found the science programme especially fascinating.

(a) television, of which she found the science programme especially fascinating.

(b) television; she found the science programme especially fascinating.

(c) television, and it was especially the science programme that were of fascination.

(d) television; the fascination of the science programme especially.


78. Although gale force winds often pass through the Eiffel Tower, causing it to sway no more than four inches.

(a) causing it to sway no more

(b) and yet it sways no more

(c) they do not cause it to sway more

(d) and they do not cause it to sway


79. Underestimating its value, breakfast is a meal many people skip.

(a) Underestimating its value, breakfast is a meal many people skip.

(b) Breakfast is skipped by many people because of their underestimating its value.

(c) Many people, underestimate the value of breakfast and skip it.

(d) Many people skip breakfast because they underestimate its value.


80. Certain shipwrecks have a particular fascination for those people which have a belief in finding the treasure in them.

(a) which have a belief in finding the treasure in them.

(b) who believe they hold treasure and that they can find it.

(c) who believe that there is treasure to be found in them.

(d) who believe about treasure to be found in them.


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